Jadu Mantar Magic Shop
The Jadu Mantar Magic Shop Is, Surat Based, India’s One Of The Biggest Magic Store With More Than 3000 Products. We Deals With Best Of The Best Magic Products To Make Your Magic Shows Incredible. If You Want To Learn Magic Tricks or Improve Your Skills Then You Can Purchase Our Courses To Learn or Improve At The Budget Price.
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Infinity Watch V3 Wrist Watch Gold Case Black Dial STD Version by Bluether Magic
Infinity Watch 3.0 by Bluether Magic
The Ultimate Magic Watch—Redefining Mentalism
Introducing Infinity Watch 3.0, the groundbreaking timepiece that revolutionized the magic community in 2021. Available in both wristwatch and pocket watch versions, it sold out instantly at magic shops and conventions. Even today, it remains one of the most sought-after products on the market.
Network X ( Hacker )
“Hack all the wifi around you” with this device that works on both Android & iOS (iPhone) devices.
Invisible Thread
This is a 7.5 length of stripped Invisible Thread, enough to 100’s of effects when Properly used.
Levitate. Suspend. Animate. Touch. Hover. Move. Freak Out and many more it literally does it all – better than anything else out there.
3 reels x 15′ each. You get three spools of Invisible Thread, each with over 8 feet of thread, making a total of Invisible Thread (7.5 meter ). This is a very fine invisible thread, totally invisible right under your nose against an appropriate background. For use in miracle floating and animation effects.
Supplied with Basic instructions for the many things you can do with this amazing accessory.
All of a sudden bright spark appears in the hands of a magician.
- Highly visual effect.
- Good for opening item.
- Suitable for stage shows.
- Very easy to operate.
Note: the trick requires flash cotton, which is not included.
Blow your spectator’s away with this marked deck.
This is the marked deck you have been waiting for! These masterfully created cards will blow your spectator away with subtle magic at its best. – Identify any card without seeing its face.
– Read the identifiers of the cards directly without having to mark the card yourself.
– Yes, No codes, No symbol to interpret, No marking system to learn
– Instant location and direct reading of the marks.
It is perfect for restaurants, at work, on the street, at birthday parties, in tradeshows or simply with friends This deck is a magical must for every aspiring and professional magician.
This Deck is bridge size and have Same Finishing as In Picture.
Best Marked Deck – Easy & Undetectable!
Effortless to read, invisible to spectators! Perform amazing tricks with this bridge-size deck. Perfect for all skill levels. Includes marking instructions.
Third Eye By Bhavik Shah
Looking for a multipurpose mentalism tool?
Here is One the THRID EYE, it is not just another mobile application it’s an idea that can be used in many ways.
Like to perform which hand effect, color pen prediction, ESP symbol prediction, mind-reading, Russian roulette, and many more …
This application is developed by Bhavik Shah, it is using a classic thumper principle.
NO more additional devices to carry, use your mobile phone as a tool for all your need.
Few of the effects
ESP prediction – before starting the effect magician place his mobile on the table, now he shows 6 ESP cards, mixes them, and asks the spectator to select anyone, now ask your spectator to just swipe up and unlock the phone.
The mobile has one ESP symbol as wallpaper, which is the exact match for spectators’ selection.
Which hand – ask your spectator to take anyone object from his pocket like a coin, keys, or lighter and hold in any one hand you will be able to identify the exact location without fail.
Russian roulette – put a small egg or spike onside paper bag mix them with another 3 or 4 empty bags. Mix them again and again so nobody knows where the egg is. Now smash all bags one by one except one which contains egg.
Blindfold Color balloon – show 4-5 different colored balloons, magicians close eyes or put a real blindfold on eyes and ask the audience to burst any one of the balloons. Now magicians instantly say which colored balloon busted without looking at it, just by hearing a busting sound. This can be repeated for all remaining balloons.
Many more MENTALISM effects can be performed.
Works offline (Internet Not Required)
Works only with Android phones for now.
Comes mobile application with video instruction.

Street Magic
Blink Card
Best Marked Deck – Easy & Undetectable!
Effortless to read, invisible to spectators! Perform amazing tricks with this bridge-size deck. Perfect for all skill levels. Includes marking instructions.
Best Marked Deck – Easy & Undetectable!
Effortless to read, invisible to spectators! Perform amazing tricks with this bridge-size deck. Perfect for all skill levels. Includes marking instructions.
Infinity Watch V3 Wrist Watch Gold Case Black Dial STD Version by Bluether Magic
Infinity Watch 3.0 by Bluether Magic
The Ultimate Magic Watch—Redefining Mentalism
Introducing Infinity Watch 3.0, the groundbreaking timepiece that revolutionized the magic community in 2021. Available in both wristwatch and pocket watch versions, it sold out instantly at magic shops and conventions. Even today, it remains one of the most sought-after products on the market.
MENTAL DICE by Tony Anverdi
Close-Up Magic
Blink Card
Best Marked Deck – Easy & Undetectable!
Effortless to read, invisible to spectators! Perform amazing tricks with this bridge-size deck. Perfect for all skill levels. Includes marking instructions.
Best Marked Deck – Easy & Undetectable!
Effortless to read, invisible to spectators! Perform amazing tricks with this bridge-size deck. Perfect for all skill levels. Includes marking instructions.
Infinity Watch V3 Wrist Watch Gold Case Black Dial STD Version by Bluether Magic
Infinity Watch 3.0 by Bluether Magic
The Ultimate Magic Watch—Redefining Mentalism
Introducing Infinity Watch 3.0, the groundbreaking timepiece that revolutionized the magic community in 2021. Available in both wristwatch and pocket watch versions, it sold out instantly at magic shops and conventions. Even today, it remains one of the most sought-after products on the market.