Floating Table
You can fly this table in the air at any place
This table does not require any type of wire or lead to fly
And remote control is also not required
You can get to the viewer’s table from the stage
And then you can show the table of viewers that the table is not switched into the air even if it is not something else
The magician puts a straw in this class
And its assistant who is far away is called drinking it
After that, this glass gets reduced from inside and gradually the whole glass gets exhausted
Milk is poured into the milk filled in it by making a paper corn and gradually the whole jug is poured into paper corn.
And then it will be thrown towards the same audience
In that moment, the milk contained in Corn disappears
The box contain 14(fifteen) type of magic products.
With the help of this products you can show 151 (one fifty one) type of magic tricks.
The details about magic products and magic tricks prescribe in a book contain in the box.
Any person having more than 3year of age can use this products.
The product manufactured by Jadu Mantar magic shop.
We face some problems with this with the color-changing trick, which is why this kit is available without a father trick.
Cube Bag
Show an empty bag
After simply showing the empty bag , From this bag remove one by one cube
We removed so much cube from the bag that he could not even hold it in this bag
Dream Bag
Show an empty bag
After simply showing the empty bag , From this bag remove one by one gift box
We removed so much cube from the bag that he could not even hold it in this gift box