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Electric Touch
Electric Touch
Price Summary
- ₹1,999.00
- ₹1,999.00
- ₹1,999.00
- Sending spectators electrostatic “messages” with a mere touch of your finger
- Using your power to illuminate fluorescent bulbs
- Animating a pile of dry tea leaves, tobacco, confetti, salt or pepper
- Bending streams of water with a simple flick of your wrist
- Charging any conductive metal object
- Creating a spark of energy between any two audience members
- The possibilities are endless!
- First-class quality from the brand you trust
- One-of-a-kind patented technology
- Adjustable electrostatic output
- Improved technology and increased durability
- 100% hands-free; can be done without a jacket, shirt, or any jewelry
- Can be performed both indoors and outdoors
- Extremely easy to master
Related Products
The box contain 14(fifteen) type of magic products.
With the help of this products you can show 151 (one fifty one) type of magic tricks.
The details about magic products and magic tricks prescribe in a book contain in the box.
Any person having more than 3year of age can use this products.
The product manufactured by Jadu Mantar magic shop.
We face some problems with this with the color-changing trick, which is why this kit is available without a father trick.
Magic Bat
There is a plastic strep which looks like cricket bat.
which is empty from both the sides.
after keeping hand on this bat name appeaes.
Super Die Production Frame
12 dice from nowhere!
Produce 12 massive cube!
The magician shows an empty body to the audience and makes 3 large dice seem from it and once more indicates an empty body to the audience and then makes another three cube appear and he keeps to try this till there are twelve huge cube on level!
Best for both parlor and stage performances!
The production of twelve large cube that are 5 inches X five inches from an empty dice will make your target market say “WOW!”
Zerox Coin
Show The Audience two plastic coins.
After magic one of the coin will disappeared.
The magician puts a straw in this class
And its assistant who is far away is called drinking it
After that, this glass gets reduced from inside and gradually the whole glass gets exhausted
2 Inch Super Soft Sponge Balls (Red)
Those vibrant Goshman logo sponge balls are a should for any near-up magic worker. They are the best nice available.
Blanketed along with your sponge balls is a complete sponge ball ordinary. The habitual consists of the subsequent sponge magic tricks:
Ball from Nowhere
Flint thru space
One and One Makes 3
The strange Subtraction
The Climax
This is the perfect way to learn a few cool sponge magic.
Comes pink coloured four (#four) balls in a single Set.
Floating Table
You can fly this table in the air at any place
This table does not require any type of wire or lead to fly
And remote control is also not required
You can get to the viewer’s table from the stage
And then you can show the table of viewers that the table is not switched into the air even if it is not something else
Wonder Fool Box
The problematic, impossible that might have careworn even the terrific Houdini! Are you able to cast off the money in the field with out breaking the field? A have to purchase! Features: secret commands Enclosed
Mummy Mystery
The spectator secretly puts one of the 3 otherwise colored mummies within the wood end sarcophagus (coffin). He hides the alternative out of your view. You turn round and acquire some vibes from the mother inside the coffin. Mysteriously, you effectively are expecting the shade of the mum inside the coffin! You are right, always. A spooky trick that fits in your pocket. Super for all ages as a party-trick. Capabilities: mystery instructions Enclosed.
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